All functions |
Create a GeneDiscoveR object |
Calculate statistics for selected files |
Calculate statistics and return metrics dataframe |
Clean phenotypes |
Gene Identification by Phenotype |
Get complete table from GeneDiscoveR object |
Get Filtered Genes Table |
Get the median statistics from a GeneDiscoveR object |
Get the names of the identification objects in a GeneDiscoveR object |
Get overall statistics from GeneDiscoveR object |
Map gene annotation |
Obtain OG from Gene |
Plot OGs and HOGs per inflation |
Plot all species OGs and sOGs per inflation |
Plot Gene Detector Volcano |
Plot GeneDiscoveR Volcano |
Run the GeneDiscover web application |
Selects the index of a filtered gene based on specified criteria. |
Select genes by phenotype |
Select species by phenotype |
Set the annotation file for a GeneDiscoveR object |
Set the active run for GeneDiscoveR |